Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sonicare With Quadpacer Repair


eyes Justin

they searched three days. I could not find them so I decided to look for them in that area. I beat the Andes, Appalachians and other rivers and then sailed across the ocean calm. Unfortunately he was not calm, I came across a herd of whales without teeth, which odgryzły me two legs and an eye. I cried. Through my tears flooded Tsunami Japan and the Vatican. I felt so bad. I went home and turned on his hands with everyone seated at the table and wpierdalali sianokłosy. They saw that I had half of the body.
- sooner, you need a transplant!
- I will give you a kidney!
- And I gall ...
Everyone declared that it will give me something. But I do not need it. I decided to collapse into a coma. Then all of my members grew back. Bieber was again only about two xD
the birds had to go for surgery. Minute after the surgery I woke up and I wrote on Twitter about everything. I got a lot on NK eurogołoąbków. I was so hungry that I ate them all.
suddenly entered the room a boy without a head.
- Whats up - greeted - I am a rider no ass
looked up and it was not actually suck. We talked a few minutes and I already started wkurwiać.
- If you are moving at the speed of sound, and we let go of bittern, or hear it first, or feel?
He asked such stupid questions all night.
Finally wyjebał him through the window. It's not possible. Returned. This time he had his head and ass.
- Want to be my frend?
- Fuck
- Which is it?
- No! Give me a break!
- If someone told you he is a habitual liar you believe him?
- Well I'll be your frend, happy? And now forgive me but I want a little peace.
Well, shut up. But, I have taken another motha fucka to pack cokes.
lurked not that guy.

Epizodowy hero - Eric Down
will be hosted several chapters. I guess xD

Alsea: habababa \u0026lt;3 Do not obraźcie August for this graft
xD And you are loved \u0026lt;3 I love your comments;)


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