Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mac - Nw For Dark Circles

memories rozczrowanie holy spell

looked on TVP Kultura, the 1983 film "MARY"
film as film. A tale of two girls, a primary school which is 12.11 years.
friend, fun, divorced parents (which then was a sensation, even curiosity.)
gray reality of communist Poland. This is my childhood, I remember them almost identically. The only difference with us is not lived in the old and the old czynszowce single family home with his grandfather a drunk. These
nocach.Boze brawl after that I did not kill him. Or my sister.
One scene from the film came back to me like a boomerang. But still it hurts.
In the film, the film heroine invited friend for her birthday. Everything was ready, sumptuous in those days. But almost no one appeared. Only the heroine.
I once I had before the eyes of my 12 birthday. Finally, the first time in my life I was able people to my house zaprosic.Bo grandfather. Also occurred, only one friend. The only people invited to the 8. Even children
friends we do not remember what przyszly.Nie had excuses. My dad worked in the mine not not voiced pig. There lived in the blocks (if it was something), my grandfather was a drunkard,
house not renovated with 3 kids because there was no money. A car! marzenie.Nowe clothes and shoes only on Easter, tio was the norm in my house. I know
Olala then the other. Besides, for some time (age 14.15 years) became brylata, lean reading maniac. What was not understood.
taught me one thing. Out of sight out of mind. As you will need, you can find it ourselves.
Real friends? For me, Women? "It's me alone. And this is what I have in your account and head. I can not rely on this.


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