Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Smokers Meat Haw To Make

dick no people

Some sod has entered three days ago in a cottage on the cusp of a village in the Netherlands.
Way great, so far away machine. He was lucky that she entered the living room, which is typical here as a site glass shop in Poland.
And what turned out to specifically polak.Pisze lowercase because it's dick, and piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kozojebca.
turned away, normally turned away. Left a car and broken. Debil idiot after prostu.Jakby and wait for the police that it's not there. But he was probably drunk and did not know the ball sie.Albo jezyka.No, it can be assumed but not understand.
hunt is on the eastern chlaja and drivers line up because the steering wheels. Regular drivers of passenger cars and truck drivers. I know of chaslo PROVISIONS Are there to justify
JE Evade them in their own eyes, and the like. But.
one we are not at home
2 we are already on the fork
3 working here, so I try to integrate with aboriginals
4 try to bring them to our country and our kulture.Do whores misery, half the people are Roman Catholics and
protesta also people
5 let's your mistakes to yourself and not blame the whole world and God, because he at the end of our rambles
not got to see how many times we went to confession, or how much cieplismy on trays, but will look at Peter
, this will establish a nugget and read in the heavenly compiling what and how.
! 10 COMMANDMENTS if someone still remembers them? Used? I am trying to
effect. In Poland gnojono me when August dalo.I only knew how. Luckily, I'm callous, and how you need to know how to give a hell.
here likes me, cholubia. Bdaja about me. She can not get used to it.
for something obvious to others.


Although I am a Polish girl from a strange country. Recently

gave the news that the next idiot beet blocked highway. After preliminary ogedzinach
. He was not drunk, but it behaves strangely.
well, stoned? and bought a doctor's professional opinions? and takes psychotropy.
estate in Poland is not so yore at times. And anything is possible.


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