my holidays I came
long I do not bylo.Odwiedziny siorki children, my mamci. Work. and needlework. And actually my new phobia. Fleece. My buddy
choduje sheep. Breed two. Some are true sheep of chorroru from You Tube. How do I find it
wciepne link.
And the second is one of a kind of Texel sheep (this island in the Netherlands). Look like a black one. To time. May they all shades of czrnego down the body through the gray to yellowish koncowek.Piore a hand and comb for your dog. I asked whether the dog is correct and this only zamyrdal ogonem.Moje said Boy, you're happy with it because they will not yank.
Well, until kochany.Do time. Spring comes loose and the first Italian on the floor along with the entry myself. But
but ad rem. I asked Ada if already shearing sheep.
Yes, a week before. OOO damage.
A what?
And because he wants to learn a little wool. How do you want to
Ok, I sell 1 euro per kilo.Pasi? Se
pomyslalam.Na MP 10dag sell for an average of 3 euros niepranej wool. And my
razu.Ale Boy, from what, what, such a path. And from word to word chopy August dogadaly.A I skozystalam. Ad throws black wool every year because nobody wants them kupic.Ponoc not dye.
will see this too I will learn. A Pole can do it.
Want? He wants to start spinning great.
and so became the happy owner of a 5-kilowego sack. Wor black, almost black content. Stinks, because I did not know chopie of August he will go amateur.
And the best part was that the Romanians, who in his they work, they were outraged hard they can not liquidate welenki.
Well, the extra earnings dog in the ass. And I like me who spat in the pocket.
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