Friday, November 13, 2009

Building Horizontal Wood Slats

Education and upbringing.


read the document describing the status of implementation of educational tasks Kedzierzyn - Koźle for school year 2008 / 9, which was the axis of the discussions at City Council session K - K, held on 12 November 2009. In addition, it bald figures. Surrounded be analyzed to reach conclusions and possibly to propose corrective measures or to improve. And so, in a nutshell.

in kindergarten even though the classes are taught in a fun, however, is a science (for kids is all effort.) My objection raises the fact that the Polish state in the educational subsidy for our city does not include preschool children, which led to better prepare future first class. 400 school children outside the education system because they have no seats in the nursery It then impinges negatively on the work of teachers in primary schools and secondary schools. After all, we already know that just one ill young man, to dissuade the majority of the group learning and good behavior. In addition, kindergarten pupils, as is clear from the survey is much better at life. - I suggested the construction of new kindergartens, which met with official silence and support the words of one director of a kindergarten.

dominates the view that the more funds allocated to education, including academic performance as manifested through higher assessments of final examinations. For us, this evidence does not work. It turns out that these schools, which account for the most money per student, have the weakest results. For example, school X average spent per pupil, 6764 zł, while the Y school per pupil spent 8205 zł, a final exam results at school subsidized per person in a smaller amount is in school X was 8 / 9, while in School Y, which is subsidized at a higher amount of final examinations was the result of 2 / 9, or less. Next. WK - K school divisions (classes) are almost equal and each count in primary schools from 18 to 21 students in secondary schools from 22 - 23 This suggests that the results of final examinations should be comparable. They are not.

Many young people do not understand the basis of knowledge transferred to them in the first three years of study, there were too many classes 1 - 3, then bored in the years just disturbing others. In order to improve exam results suggested that class 1 - 3 schools consisted of eight students. Three years of science and education in a small chamber group, will acquire the factual knowledge base of students. This will result in this that no one will be incurred in subsequent years a large, even a 40 - bed units, because it will be a disciplined person, brought up and educated. (Signaled organization does not reduce the number of people working in education, but will move some staff to primary education.)

Speaking on behalf of all school principals, one school director criticized the idea as an argument specifying what memory I quote, "a small group can not find anyone capable of, and the weaker students will not have to match someone. " (!?) Then, if the class is a few people, everyone benefits the most, because they can be safely and effectively explain, teach, educate. Perhaps

considerations would go away, if not for the fact that the information submitted to the City Council on the implementation of educational tasks do not present any problems. One gets the impression reading the content of material that teachers have no criticisms, virtually nothing has happened that the test results did not come out the best (only 7 out of 22 schools approached the maximum number of points, when eight barely reached 50% points and 5 do not not even approached the 50% points), there are no students the troublemakers, the relationship between all parties present in the school are great (teachers, pupils, parents), and targets facing the municipal education achieved. - That's why I reported the proposal, which was to require school principals to state the reasons for the resulting grade of final examination and identification of proposals for corrective action and improve. Only I was behind a proposal. Half of the council was against the other half abstained from voting. - After the session came to me one of the councilors saying: "I have a moral hangover. Hotels right to request tests requested by you. Not supporting your proposal - got cold feet. "

Add this site to be that many municipalities do not pays for elementary and secondary schools, by financing the subsidy by only teaching and exam results of their schools are at comparable levels as in the K - K K Municipality - K receives educational grant from the state budget of more than 24 million zł and pays from its own budget of more than 15 million zł. It can therefore be expected to produce better results. - To my question: "If this is so good, why is so wrong? "replied undercurrent of directors.

Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Camper Trailer Bill Of Sale Canada

Independence Day - so today I thought.


Poland for me is the memory size. Do not forget about her, because she gives me strength to change the world for the better.

Poland is for me the dream of a beautiful future. I look in the hope that I'm going to her I will see.

Poland is for me here and now sad place, from which many young people flee, and those who remain in the majority, and so ashamed of their patriotism, even though they look at them generations of heroes.

Zawisza, Chodkiewicz, Żółkiewski, Sobieski, Cegielski, Grabski, nameless uprising of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, they are forgetting, Pilsudski becomes a mythical figure. Could the effort and sacrifice of many generations had to go down the drain?

happy future is born out of acts taken today. Do not complain, no one for us, nothing will do us good.

no doubt well-being of the Poles in Poland could give only the Poles. If you want to truly count, count only on themselves.

Unfortunately, many Poles, identifying international business and globalization simply cares about the interests of foreign capital, forgetting about the Polish community. If

step down, if we passively wait for a happy future, so we did not respond to militia convened by the King Jagiello, had not won the Battle of Grunwald, and we will be surprised that Poland was a powerful instead of being absorbed by foreign elements.

Regards. Richard
Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Herpesbläschen Auf Der Stirn?

debate and my questions to the President KK city.


On October 28, 2009 The debate was held at the Municipal Cultural Centre, which is in the "Chemiku. I was in a meeting with the Mayor of the City residents, Foreman, and a member of parliament, Kedzierzyn - Koźle. I sat in the middle of the room. I asked no questions, because I knew that I ask them the next day during the session of the City Council Session K - K, which ultimately I asked. It was five minutes for the citizens, he would not take it.

important at this point is to note who was present. Almost all arrived I knew. This city councilors and county, local government employees, activists party (SLD from the PIS to the PO), and journalists. So-called Population statistics were few (I think not more than 30%, or about 70 people), and therefore who spoke to whom? Politicians to politicians, or the members of his party or competitive or a subordinate employee (applause of the room for the Mayor of the SLD, then another for the Envoy and Chairman of the City of PO). In this context, the debate was a waste of time, because no argument to convince and not interested in 70% of students who really are not hearers only defenders of its representative or propagators ideas with which they identify. This is also the reason why abstained from asking questions during the debate that it was not a voice crying in the blank.

I wanted to know about the plans for the future of K - K is not heard nothing except the fact that, like no one is preparing for elections next President of K - K and just campaign on this issue, I believe has already begun. This is another reason for my silence, because a person is considering a possible candidate for the office of President of K - K did not want to get my questions, that public speech was perceived as my election campaign, when the official aim of the organizers of the meeting was a dialogue with the public debate.

Perhaps I will arrange a public debate about our city, during which participants will learn about specific projects for communities living and lives in K - K.

Below some of the questions to the current Mayor, who could ask the public debate but for the reasons stated above, I put them in normal mode, it is at the point of interpellations, questions and declarations of Councillors on 29 October 2009:

Please give the reasons for which the report of the audit by the Office of Audit and Internal Control of the City of Kedzierzyn - Koźle at the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre continues to bear the clause "restricted" meaning that mentioned document is still subject to the protection afforded to classified information?

- I remember that I was the first on 27 November 2008 asked about the method of ticket distribution in all the counters found in MOSiR - that and safeguards prevent the introduction into circulation of counterfeit tickets or sell real tickets but not shown as sold.
- In a pointed question, I received a reply that in MOSiR no abnormalities.
- When the Audit Commission wondered about the advisability of carrying out the examination in the mentioned topic MOSiR, first page on the official argued that it is difficult to carry out these checks, but when it was close to a correct resolution of this matter, the Mayor ordered the office of Internal Audit and Control for an inspection, which may be carried out to the Audit Committee. After it has been a waiver and prosecutorial proceedings.
- In one of the Audit Committee (in May 2009?) Asked to provide members of the Committee Minutes of the protocol, but the manager refused Bureau, claiming that this clause has been given the document a "restricted".
- On my telephone inquiry in October 2009, when the clause in question is removed, the Office manager asked that I received a response to maintain the condition disappeared wzmiankowanej clause and it will be removed in a few days, but when some time later I asked when I could see the mysterious protocol manager informed me that the confidentiality clause was not removed and no one knows when this happens.

Avenue Between Army and Kłodnica River and the roundabout on the way to Kuźniczka estate and railway bridge over the ring road there are several parcels with no access to a public road, numbered 1872 / 7 to 10 The responsibility of the municipality and in its own interest is to make each plot had the opportunity to enter and leave, because then they are useful for potential investors, and the plots mentioned entities may arise production, or place of work. - Please take action which resulted in bringing the public road to the plots 1872 / 7 to 10

I get answers in writing for about 14 days, which will inform.


Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle