Two visions of social assistance
Adoption by the City Council Kedzierzyn - Kozle Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015, which took place on 9 September 2009, in my opinion promotes a sham, it creates a pyramid of tasks, justifying the expansion of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre and the ongoing sanctions For many years the principle of income support payments to eligible persons. I do not see that strategy in addressing the root causes of problems, and this is crucial in social welfare.
should just make the wealthy citizens of our city, and social assistance would be unnecessary because the wound will cause (poverty resulting from unemployment) for which aid must be granted.
Yes, the elderly, lonely, sick, should provide assistance at the highest level, while healthy people of working age must work and earn for themselves and their families.
The presentation of the "Programme Economic growth for the municipality Kędzierzyn - Kozle, creating at least 1,000 new jobs, which I am the author will still have time, and what you can do right now, in addressing social problems is contained in the will of security in the city budget each year the amount of 24,000,000 zł of continuing intervention works for all unemployed citizens Kedzierzy 2000 - Koźle. Those who refuse in accordance with the Law on Social Welfare to withhold the payment of aid, because of intervention works does not take only those who have learned to live with social assistance (from the way the city will clean as any in the world). Unemployed persons receiving a monthly salary of 1,000 zł not be condemned for help, because the work and earned money for a significant part of their problem solving (question salary will be higher than the monthly financial aid to many, even if many do not use.)
Where to get 24 million zł year of continuing intervention work? When there is no objection to the annual grants to the Municipal Board of the Municipal Building in the amount of 8,000,000 zł and Municipal Communications facility in the amount of 10,000,000 zł (along with the purchase of new buses) can be used zł 12 million for emergency work, and make as many District Labour Office, and were raised from other sources.
Some may say that is unrealistic, to which I reply: it is impractical if you do not want to implement this plan.
And if 70% of activity devoted to acquiring the resources needed to finance emergency work, and they won, and the unemployed to time to obtain better pay earned at least 1000 zł in intervention works, then I think you can say that the mission of the institution's assistance in Fully implemented. As long as this does not happen, and no, do not identify with the existing way of MOPS, and thus could not vote in favor of the Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015.
But I'm hopeful. My dream is that for a year until social assistance in Kedzierzyn - Koźle will operate as usual, because if you choose my person of the Mayor Office of KK (elections will be held in autumn 2010) the implementation of what I described above. I would add at the end of this entry and that the level of involvement the work of the intervention will diminish, because with the possible implementation of the flagged "Economic Programme for the commune Kędzierzyn - Kozle" more and more citizens Kedzierzy - Kozle will receive pay for work to no less than 3000 zł per month.
Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle
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