My proposals to the draft budget for 2010.
Below I present my proposals to the city budget tasks Kedzierzyn - Kozle in 2010.
first Intervention public works for unemployed residents Kedzierzy - Kozle: 30624000 zł:
a) a municipality: 15312000 zł,
b) part of the county: 15312000 zł.
number of registered unemployed in Kedzierzyn - Koźle is 2,190 people. The vast majority is not entitled to unemployment benefits. Some of them receive support from social assistance, but it still does not solve the problem of poverty. Besides providing the long-term employment is not falling out mentally from the job market. Some charges of the Municipal Assistance Center Social Kędzierzyn - Koźle learned to live with the benefits of aid. If you offer The work of an emergency public works, the provision of 1276 zł per month, higher than the current allowances payable, it will cause the liquidation of the assistance, and refusal to perform intervention work (there is no obligation to accept the offer) will notice that appears in fact to refuse provide social support for repealing the person from opportunities to improve their material situation to which entitle the provisions of the Act on social assistance.
For example: if the municipal company Municipal Services will arrange for emergency public works 1,500 - 2,000 unemployed, Kedzierzyn - goat, and this will be a multitude of people every day to clean the city after eight hours, five days a week, not even one square meter of a dirty sidewalk, landscaping, etc.
On the basis of the Law on Employment Promotion District Administrator refunded 50% of the average wage of unemployed workers in the intervention works. So if the municipal entities will employ 2,000 of the unemployed, where the annual wage costs zł 30,624,000, the amount of the refund will amount to 15,312,000 zł. This means that in this case, the city budget Kedzierzyn - Kozle the task in question should protect the amount of 15,312,000 zł.
actual budgetary cost of the job will be about 10 million zł, because with its implementation will reduce spending on:
a) the maintenance of cleanliness in the city, with approximately 1,500,000 zł (purity will prevail in the work of the emergency)
b) the payment of benefits and assistance in kind and housing allowances by an amount close to 3.5 million zł (increased revenue or refusal to perform the emergency work will eliminate the need to provide assistance).
District Labour Office in Kedzierzyn - Koźle as shown by reports from the Labour Fund expenditures in the province of Opole never had the amount of 15,312,000 zł for intervention works, but that does not mean that he can not get so high and you get it from the Minister of Labour and Social Policy benefits, which the Fund has. If we assume that the PLO on the question KK secure reimbursement 2,000,000 zł. and so is the involvement of 15,312,000 zł municipalities in this task, the work of the intervention took 1,130 people to participate (260 for joint execution of tasks and 870 people at its self-realization The municipality Kedzierzyn - Kozle).
seems possible to convince the Governor of Opole for funding by the amount of the proposed task zł 6,000,000, which represents 50% of the amount, which is currently allocated in the form of grants to municipalities KK on aid targets, given the social status of poverty, which disappears when unemployed will participate in paid work of the emergency, which will employ another 390 people.
implementation task also has an impact not only in the increased range of socially useful work done (already mentioned cleaning and cleaning public places, to which you can add For example, to assist social workers in their activities help the elderly and ailing, and removing the effects of winter and thaw, etc.) but also on the local market of goods and services as more customers will be mentioned right, and it protects against the liquidation of more jobs.
task has a social dimension and should be executed because the ruthlessness to pretend that people who do not have the revenue somehow give you advice. They will not give and give. Until they come into force Economic Program for the City of Kedzierzyn - Koźle substantially limiting, or even elimination KK's unemployment rate should be encouraged unemployed offers intervention works, and their high cost of implementation should motivate the implementation of solutions as soon as possible eliminating unemployment in our city, the need to decrease spending on the intervention works.
second The draft of the "Strength in Sobriety", which is proposed to the city budget for 2010, is described in a separate entry on the blog.
My other suggestions to the city budget Kedzierzyn - Kozle in 2010 raised during the Commission of Education, Culture and Sport on 22 September 2009 and the Commission unanimously positive opinion.
third Design of technical knowledge:
a) ZSM gym at No. 3 on the 15th Street School (Reason: To schedule the construction of gymnasiums question gymnasium built in 2011, the year 2010 must be made of a technical project.)
b) Modernisation of the stadium located at School Street and the adjacent leisure environment, including the ongoing modernization of the treadmill (Justification : Primary and secondary education in Blachownia does not have to pitch the school because the fence is a stadium, you only need to raise the standard, that young people can benefit from its advantages as you use Orlik, regardless of the design work should be clean and align the track and round the playing field.).
c) Spatial plot No. 588/163 (Area Housing Blachownia), 6 hectares for sports and recreation complex. (Reason: Currently, one half of the sand in the wild children running around, when, after equipping it with a device playful and light exercise their fun take on the nature of education, the second half of the area is forested, from entering it discourages the lack of benches and walking paths - if they are will appear where the rest Blachownia in nature.)
These tasks previously issued a positive opinion Blachownia District Council.
d) Monument to Marshal Pilsudski with the thematic development of the area on Freedom Square in the center of which is to become a monument. (Reason: In Kedzierzyn - Koźle are monuments and names that refer to multi-cultural history of the Earth Kozielska, but there is not a symbol that indicates that the Poles, with the exception of the Poles themselves living here. Monument of Marshal Pilsudski is clearly associated only with the Polish and the Polish regaining freedom, because of its setting Liberty Square is a perfect place.)
4th Implementation of the technical design of the construction of the Water Park in Kedzierzyn - Koźle. (Reason: 30 years ago, an indoor swimming pool was a miracle of technology and an excellent proposal to spend your free time. It is already too small. I know that a group of people involved in the construction of the second indoor swimming pool in Kedzierzyn - Koźle. However, we should introduce solutions contemporary, innovative, to increase the level of recreation, rather than remain in stagnation. Water Park contains a kind of resting indoor swimming pool, while proposing more, better and hence the proposal to build a in our City Water Park.)
This task also supported earlier Blachownia District Council.
5th Implementation of Patriotic Feasts on 11 November 2010. (Reason: Patriotism is a beautiful and valuable feeling, but that continued to be cultivated. Grochówce meeting at the Civic and the surrounding accessories and historical performances, reminiscent of the Great Poles in an attractive way that will cause people Kedzierzy - Kozle, feeling the Poles, in itself trigger will need to do something good for your Little Motherland, and that is Kedzierzyn - Kozle.)
In addition, due to my vigilance and kindness of local government employees, the party official proposes that in 2010:
6th Perform technical project construction of local gas-powered power plants, supplying heat for district residents Blachownia. (Justification: The Department of Energy provides heat for the residents of settlements Blachownia may, but is not legally have to deal with the sale of heat.'s Department decided to limit their activities, not to sell heat Blachownia Housing residents. In a natural way municipality is required to fill the hole, including the nature and needs of social services at the same time. The deadline for completion of the operation is the year 2012. That is: in 2010 will be the implementation of the technical design of the investment, in 2011 the construction of local power, in 2012 the modernization of a hole distribution network.)
7th Complete reconstruction of the watercourse, passing under the street friendly. (The poisonous fumes make life difficult for residents of Friendship Street and pollute the river Kłodnica. Rebuilding involves the construction of a buffer tank, which will influence the path, then will either Tanker its contents emptied and cleaned in a Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant, or before entering the filter will be installed Klodnica self-cleansing flow of water poisonous.)
Regards. Richard
Masalski - Councillor
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Marine Eod Death Rate
Two visions of social assistance
Adoption by the City Council Kedzierzyn - Kozle Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015, which took place on 9 September 2009, in my opinion promotes a sham, it creates a pyramid of tasks, justifying the expansion of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre and the ongoing sanctions For many years the principle of income support payments to eligible persons. I do not see that strategy in addressing the root causes of problems, and this is crucial in social welfare.
should just make the wealthy citizens of our city, and social assistance would be unnecessary because the wound will cause (poverty resulting from unemployment) for which aid must be granted.
Yes, the elderly, lonely, sick, should provide assistance at the highest level, while healthy people of working age must work and earn for themselves and their families.
The presentation of the "Programme Economic growth for the municipality Kędzierzyn - Kozle, creating at least 1,000 new jobs, which I am the author will still have time, and what you can do right now, in addressing social problems is contained in the will of security in the city budget each year the amount of 24,000,000 zł of continuing intervention works for all unemployed citizens Kedzierzy 2000 - Koźle. Those who refuse in accordance with the Law on Social Welfare to withhold the payment of aid, because of intervention works does not take only those who have learned to live with social assistance (from the way the city will clean as any in the world). Unemployed persons receiving a monthly salary of 1,000 zł not be condemned for help, because the work and earned money for a significant part of their problem solving (question salary will be higher than the monthly financial aid to many, even if many do not use.)
Where to get 24 million zł year of continuing intervention work? When there is no objection to the annual grants to the Municipal Board of the Municipal Building in the amount of 8,000,000 zł and Municipal Communications facility in the amount of 10,000,000 zł (along with the purchase of new buses) can be used zł 12 million for emergency work, and make as many District Labour Office, and were raised from other sources.
Some may say that is unrealistic, to which I reply: it is impractical if you do not want to implement this plan.
And if 70% of activity devoted to acquiring the resources needed to finance emergency work, and they won, and the unemployed to time to obtain better pay earned at least 1000 zł in intervention works, then I think you can say that the mission of the institution's assistance in Fully implemented. As long as this does not happen, and no, do not identify with the existing way of MOPS, and thus could not vote in favor of the Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015.
But I'm hopeful. My dream is that for a year until social assistance in Kedzierzyn - Koźle will operate as usual, because if you choose my person of the Mayor Office of KK (elections will be held in autumn 2010) the implementation of what I described above. I would add at the end of this entry and that the level of involvement the work of the intervention will diminish, because with the possible implementation of the flagged "Economic Programme for the commune Kędzierzyn - Kozle" more and more citizens Kedzierzy - Kozle will receive pay for work to no less than 3000 zł per month.
Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle
Adoption by the City Council Kedzierzyn - Kozle Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015, which took place on 9 September 2009, in my opinion promotes a sham, it creates a pyramid of tasks, justifying the expansion of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre and the ongoing sanctions For many years the principle of income support payments to eligible persons. I do not see that strategy in addressing the root causes of problems, and this is crucial in social welfare.
should just make the wealthy citizens of our city, and social assistance would be unnecessary because the wound will cause (poverty resulting from unemployment) for which aid must be granted.
Yes, the elderly, lonely, sick, should provide assistance at the highest level, while healthy people of working age must work and earn for themselves and their families.
The presentation of the "Programme Economic growth for the municipality Kędzierzyn - Kozle, creating at least 1,000 new jobs, which I am the author will still have time, and what you can do right now, in addressing social problems is contained in the will of security in the city budget each year the amount of 24,000,000 zł of continuing intervention works for all unemployed citizens Kedzierzy 2000 - Koźle. Those who refuse in accordance with the Law on Social Welfare to withhold the payment of aid, because of intervention works does not take only those who have learned to live with social assistance (from the way the city will clean as any in the world). Unemployed persons receiving a monthly salary of 1,000 zł not be condemned for help, because the work and earned money for a significant part of their problem solving (question salary will be higher than the monthly financial aid to many, even if many do not use.)
Where to get 24 million zł year of continuing intervention work? When there is no objection to the annual grants to the Municipal Board of the Municipal Building in the amount of 8,000,000 zł and Municipal Communications facility in the amount of 10,000,000 zł (along with the purchase of new buses) can be used zł 12 million for emergency work, and make as many District Labour Office, and were raised from other sources.
Some may say that is unrealistic, to which I reply: it is impractical if you do not want to implement this plan.
And if 70% of activity devoted to acquiring the resources needed to finance emergency work, and they won, and the unemployed to time to obtain better pay earned at least 1000 zł in intervention works, then I think you can say that the mission of the institution's assistance in Fully implemented. As long as this does not happen, and no, do not identify with the existing way of MOPS, and thus could not vote in favor of the Municipal Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015.
But I'm hopeful. My dream is that for a year until social assistance in Kedzierzyn - Koźle will operate as usual, because if you choose my person of the Mayor Office of KK (elections will be held in autumn 2010) the implementation of what I described above. I would add at the end of this entry and that the level of involvement the work of the intervention will diminish, because with the possible implementation of the flagged "Economic Programme for the commune Kędzierzyn - Kozle" more and more citizens Kedzierzy - Kozle will receive pay for work to no less than 3000 zł per month.
Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Is The Sulfur Dioxide Safe
dispute over pay for the Mayor
Mayor can and should have their views on any municipal matter. At the stage of discussion must be present, and even fight for them or defend them as a lion. But when a vote by City Council expresses his view is not inconsistent with the law, the Mayor must fully committed to do the will of the City Council.
I give two examples of Conduct Mayor Kedzierzy - Koźle that motivate my opinion, to reduce the salaries of the current Mayor.
Audit Committee has examined the activities of citizen action the Mayor and found it to be reasonable, indicating the way of remedying the damage caused. Then the City Council shared the view of the Audit Committee and adopted the relevant resolution on the matter. The supervisory authority of Governor of Opole resolution did not repeal, This means that the resolution passed against the law is not, and Mayor declares in writing that it will not perform (!?).
City Council has expressed its willingness to vote to pass Kędzierzyn - Kozielskiemu 1,000,000 zł Starostwu the district for financing the modernization of one of the buildings the county in which the Association "late?" Is to carry hospice (only 1,000,000 zł while the rest of the cost of hospice rested by the Association). Mayor declares that it is committed to creating and operating a municipal hospice, which means the usual increase in the cost of this mandate and Consequently, there is no transfer of grant county, although the city budget in the subsequent two years have been secured for this money. And what? Hospice is not in Kedzierzyn - Koźle to this day.
So it's no attack on wages, as is the media only use competitive motivation otrzęsienie that everyone knows what is its place in the series. Mayor must do the will of the City Council with the law is not contradictory.
City Council draft resolution on reduction of salary I made in the Mayor's Office City Council on March 5, 2009. None of the councilors were not particularly interested. Chairman of the City Council gave him no run, and even I did not insist, because it was not a matter of utmost importance, particularly as the Commission - Legal Administration undertook to try to pay closer look at the Mayor, through the prism of my initiative. This was also the time-changing top-down rules in this case. And so the project leżałby the shelf to this day, but here in mid-August 2009 appears in the circulation of a draft resolution of the City Council signed by Councilor Majchrzak, proposing to increase the salaries of the Mayor, which inevitably led to dust off my project.
Currently the Mayor receives a salary of: 11,178 zł.
So in my opinion should read § 1 of the project under discussion:
is agreed monthly salary of the Mayor of Kedzierzyn-Kozle at:
1) base salary in the amount of: 4800 zł,
2) special allowance amounting to: 960 zł,
3) allowance for long-term employment under the current rules, it is in the amount of 960 zł.
to a total 6720 zł. Yes
by Councilor Majchrzak § 1 shall read discussed the project:
monthly salary is agreed the Mayor Kedzierzyn-Kozle at:
1) base salary in the amount of: 6200 zł,
2) in the amount of allowances: 2075 zł,
3) special allowance in the amount of: 3310 zł,
4) allowance for long-term employment under the current rules ( This is the amount of: 1655 zł)
to a total 13,240 zł.
Yeah, I still am considering the possibility of running for the office of Mayor Kędzierzyn - Kozle and I do not think that the President's salary beginning with the highest rate, as was the case with the current Mayor of the City, only the lowest (current salary of the President Town is not the highest, since the time of the Council of Ministers suffered a wage brackets, but on the day the decision on pay for the Mayor had her best). Depending on the quality of implementation of resolutions of the City Council by the Mayor's salary will increase at the initiative of the City Council and will be in place.
Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle
Mayor can and should have their views on any municipal matter. At the stage of discussion must be present, and even fight for them or defend them as a lion. But when a vote by City Council expresses his view is not inconsistent with the law, the Mayor must fully committed to do the will of the City Council.
I give two examples of Conduct Mayor Kedzierzy - Koźle that motivate my opinion, to reduce the salaries of the current Mayor.
Audit Committee has examined the activities of citizen action the Mayor and found it to be reasonable, indicating the way of remedying the damage caused. Then the City Council shared the view of the Audit Committee and adopted the relevant resolution on the matter. The supervisory authority of Governor of Opole resolution did not repeal, This means that the resolution passed against the law is not, and Mayor declares in writing that it will not perform (!?).
City Council has expressed its willingness to vote to pass Kędzierzyn - Kozielskiemu 1,000,000 zł Starostwu the district for financing the modernization of one of the buildings the county in which the Association "late?" Is to carry hospice (only 1,000,000 zł while the rest of the cost of hospice rested by the Association). Mayor declares that it is committed to creating and operating a municipal hospice, which means the usual increase in the cost of this mandate and Consequently, there is no transfer of grant county, although the city budget in the subsequent two years have been secured for this money. And what? Hospice is not in Kedzierzyn - Koźle to this day.
So it's no attack on wages, as is the media only use competitive motivation otrzęsienie that everyone knows what is its place in the series. Mayor must do the will of the City Council with the law is not contradictory.
City Council draft resolution on reduction of salary I made in the Mayor's Office City Council on March 5, 2009. None of the councilors were not particularly interested. Chairman of the City Council gave him no run, and even I did not insist, because it was not a matter of utmost importance, particularly as the Commission - Legal Administration undertook to try to pay closer look at the Mayor, through the prism of my initiative. This was also the time-changing top-down rules in this case. And so the project leżałby the shelf to this day, but here in mid-August 2009 appears in the circulation of a draft resolution of the City Council signed by Councilor Majchrzak, proposing to increase the salaries of the Mayor, which inevitably led to dust off my project.
Currently the Mayor receives a salary of: 11,178 zł.
So in my opinion should read § 1 of the project under discussion:
is agreed monthly salary of the Mayor of Kedzierzyn-Kozle at:
1) base salary in the amount of: 4800 zł,
2) special allowance amounting to: 960 zł,
3) allowance for long-term employment under the current rules, it is in the amount of 960 zł.
to a total 6720 zł. Yes
by Councilor Majchrzak § 1 shall read discussed the project:
monthly salary is agreed the Mayor Kedzierzyn-Kozle at:
1) base salary in the amount of: 6200 zł,
2) in the amount of allowances: 2075 zł,
3) special allowance in the amount of: 3310 zł,
4) allowance for long-term employment under the current rules ( This is the amount of: 1655 zł)
to a total 13,240 zł.
Yeah, I still am considering the possibility of running for the office of Mayor Kędzierzyn - Kozle and I do not think that the President's salary beginning with the highest rate, as was the case with the current Mayor of the City, only the lowest (current salary of the President Town is not the highest, since the time of the Council of Ministers suffered a wage brackets, but on the day the decision on pay for the Mayor had her best). Depending on the quality of implementation of resolutions of the City Council by the Mayor's salary will increase at the initiative of the City Council and will be in place.
Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle
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