Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doujinshi Incesto Español Online

Why is the resistance of the matter?


text I write, the Audit Committee, held (26/08/2009) driven by a great despair, to motivate the Mayor to execute all KK City Council resolutions.

What is it?

on 30.06.2009 r City Council adopted resolutions, as a result of consideration of citizens' complaints to the President by the Audit Committee - I am the president:

a) No XLII/509/09 agree to a settlement between the President and the complainant for payment of side compensation for its lost property through the fault of the municipality;

b) No XLII/510/09 undertake to restore to the applicant on the list of persons entitled to a dwelling in the first place, which before receiving housing has been unduly removed;

c) No XLII/511/09 requiring the reclassification of a dwelling in which the applicant resides, and intended to hire for an indefinite period in the social housing due to the fact that the premises in question is a standard social housing, and Ms. Alexander has the right for social housing and the conclusion of the agreement with her.

president does not follow these resolutions of the City Council explaining that the parties can enforce their rights before the Court and, if a person unlawfully removed from the waiting lists for residential premises is pending reintroducing it in the list, but keeping the new deadline for submission proposal, which is equal to the remote site, even if they will be given priority. The provision of Article

. 30, paragraph 1 of the Act of 8 March 1990 ro Local Government says: "The mayor carries out the resolution of the municipal council and municipal tasks defined by the law." When the Commission that I felt I my opinion the President has committed a breach of statutory provisions, inferring that the resolutions in question did not repeal the Opole Voivod, the Mayor must perform each of the City Council resolution, which supports the Commission of the City legal counsel has stated that the President did not commit a crime failing to implement all the resolutions of the City Council (!?). During the discussions the Commission has not reached a view to the problem caused by me, but sent to the Commission on Legal - Administrative, as a closer in substance, in order to try to propose a City Council action that will motivate the Mayor to execute all the laws are not contrary to the resolutions of the City Council . I am also a member of the Legal Affairs Committee, weapons in this case was not filed, only the legal struggles I move to another collective body (that is only apparently has no effect on the course of urban issues, has a very large and hence the call to the topic: the role of legislative body and executive).

It seems that only a reduction in pay will motivate the President to perform all the law is not contrary to the City Council resolutions and conclusions of the councilors, who are close to ordinary people, because if that does not work, how well that there is a public function exercised kadencyjność (election Fall 2010 r getting closer).


Richard Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle


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