Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can Fire Extinguishers Leak

project activities for sport and recreation. Help

Hi! Below

design my own, Program DEVELOPMENT Sport and Recreation COMMUNE KĘDZIERZYN - Goat for the years 2011 - 2016, which has already been discussed with stakeholders involved in the year sporting activities and recreation.

presenting it at this point, I give this project a public consultation asking for comments, indicating the defect has not yet disclosed, but which will make the project better eliminated.

presented does not represent a material part of the schedule devoted to expenditures in subsequent years of the program, due to a long detailed list of items, amounts and reasons. To be view of the planned government expenditure, for example, I give it is assumed that in 2011, is executed:

- the technical design of the Park and Recreation Center for Water for the amount of 4,000,000 zł,

- technical projects upgrading sports facilities, one of which must meet the requirements for participation in the competition at every level of the tournament or any of them tailored to a chosen discipline: 2.000.000 zł,

- purchase and installation of air halls in all educational institutions run by the municipality Kedzierzyn - Kozle, which does not have gyms: 6,000 .000 zł,

- substantive contribution to the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre for the implementation of the agreements with the clubs: 3,700,000 zł.

Total not less than 15,700,000 zł year.

final element of the program are the sources of its financing. Apart from measures directly from the city budget, it is possible to access alternative sources of financing. Due to no reduction in efficiency do not want to disclose at this point the strategy adopted. I'll just say that effective advertising campaign that may lead to measures protecting the city's budget funding for the program will be limited zł per year to 5,000,000.

Anyone wishing to know more invited to the meeting of: 51 51 56 271st


for the years 2011 - 2016

§ 1

first The goal, called later in the program, operated by the municipality Kedzierzyn - Kozle is:

a) the education of young people in the discipline and physical fitness (including management of free time) and improve mood and social problem solving (goal in life and to prevent social exclusion) through attractive and offer universal participation of interested residents Kedzierzy - Kozle compete in various sports and active recreation.

b) Allowing talented sports people Kedzierzy - Kozle development and continuation of a career in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, by bringing as many teams and players from clubs based in Kedzierzyn - Koźle to participate in competitive sport at the highest levels of qualified and unqualified.

second Implementation of the Programme's objectives will be followed by the creation conditions for the sport of qualified and unqualified, and participate in recreational activities in the municipality Kedzierzyn - Kozle in the following areas:

a) Technical, that is:

- sharing, the construction or upgrading of existing sports facilities, including gymnasiums located the municipal area of \u200b\u200bKedzierzyn - Koźle, allowing training and participation in competitions at all levels of games,
- Building a recreational area with a water park, to ensure the wellness and recreation,

from which the players use to 18 years of age are free of charge, as for the unemployed participating in the competition.

b) Organizing, that is:

- selection by the Municipal Sports and Recreation in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, hereafter called MOSiR, the leading sports clubs established in Kedzierzyn - Koźle promising in selected disciplines most likely to stay on top level competitions or obtain promotion to higher class, sourcing players in the first place among the inhabitants of the municipality Kedzierzyn - Koźle, who are alumni of the local creation of clubs or sports clubs in various sports,
- organizing the forum MOSiR cyclic sports clubs from the same disciplines, to coordinate community activities Kedzierzyn - Kozle and clubs based in Kedzierzyn - Koźle facilitate the achievement of improved athletic performance.

c) the hardware is:

- help fitting clubs established in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, not a business (for example, joint stock companies) in the right equipment and athletic uniforms, with the purchase of sports clothing for young people under 18 years old and unemployed persons once a year, the municipality covers Kedzierzyn - Kozle.

d) Financial, that is:

- financing the costs of training and participation of athletes in competitions clubs established in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, not a business (for example, joint stock companies) in the five selected disciplines and age categories (permits to combine the disciplines and age categories, except that there are five groups of eligible players),
- Funding of prizes for riders for the activity and achievements in competitions clubs established in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, not a business (for example, joint stock companies), while the funding in question can only be given the players participating in the tournament (the game), at the request of the coach, the club's leading awards shall be paid for each match, where one-time award for the player to the age of 18 can not exceed 200 zł, and for an adult rider 500 zł, which are awarded once a month for the past month, in case of losing the match and the prize is only entitled to an opinion, the best player coach , in the case of a tie, two players, but when a player is in the individual competition for the prize draw or defeat will not be granted in the remaining clubs prize is paid for the whole season, and get it to the twelve most providers are competitors and can not exceed 200 zł for riders 500 zł minors for adult players.

§ 2

first Relief, aid, assistance in equipping the clubs, the purchase of sports clothes, covering the costs of training, interest in the competition and the payment of rewards for the players referred to in § 1 of 2 letters a) to d), applies only to clubs (as a consequence of the players and coaches) who participate in this program.

second Participation in the program established clubs in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, consisting of at least 15 registered players, who in an amount not less than 80% are checked in for permanent residence in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, is voluntary and is confirmed by the relevant agreement concluded between the interested club, and MOSiR.

third The agreement referred to in paragraph 2 contains a provision that allows its solution by MOSiR, without notice in case of disbursement of funds by the club accounts submitted by MOSiR:

a) in a manner not adequate to engage the players and coaches and athletic performance,
b) for the players and coaches who are achieving results though, is how their behavior differs from the high ethical standards,
c) when costs of participation in the competition, exceed eligible expenses, as described in this agreement, and funded on that basis,

and in case of refusal to consent to an inspection at the club for MOSiR in the implementation of the agreement, which MOSiR carry out at least twice a year each club.

4th Agreement in principle provides for an indefinite period and only if it has the means MOSiR financial capacity to implement its provisions and obtaining the consent of the Mayor, which is the guarantee that in subsequent years will be secured by means of an appropriate amount of subsidy to MOSiR question, and consequently the implementation of the agreements.

5th MOSiR the implementation of the agreements referred to, and execution of the tasks described in § 1 paragraph 2, point c) and d) receives a grant from the city budget, which may not be less than 2,000,000 zł for the year.

Regards. Richard
Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Down Load 2 Stroke Exhaust Ring Tone

the intervention works.


should assist those hurt by the weak and fate, in every way and forced the institutional provisions of the Act on Social Welfare carries Municipal Social Assistance Centre in Kedzierzyn - Koźle. The thing is that the main source of social problems is poverty, and this is not closing, because in our city still lacks about 2,000 jobs, as 2,000 families are covered, which is already 10% of the population. In other words, 2,000 are needed jobs to social work could focus on assistance to eligible the sick, poor, lonely, elderly.

Yes, spaces District Social Problem Solving Strategy for the years 2009 - 2015. This is a comprehensive, numbering 125 pages document ... and what? And nothing. The area of \u200b\u200bpoverty in the K - K is not diminishing, and the municipal support, in principle, and so is limited to the direct and indirect benefits, cash and in kind, which exceeds 7 million zł, with 23 million zł spent each year on social assistance. - It is difficult to make a living from this aid, and spending a huge budget. Nobody has this benefit. Poverty as it was so, a municipality reduces spending on broadly defined development I always first have to help the man.

But I do not have to be poor and strange. I remember my proposal, instead of pay, or give away as it is today, run a massive program of intervention works. Zł 7 million from the municipality and mandatory zł 7 million from the District Labour Office and zł 7 million from the European Union in the framework of programs related to Human Resources will create a pool of 21 mln zł, which helped to cover the costs of keeping the city clean by 2,000 people every day throughout the year. Wolf cake and eat it too. There is no giving out, and those remaining after the labor market will not be forced to become alms box office before the window, just by providing useful work normally earn. The fact that their income will be slightly lower than the minimum wage, but much higher than the current provision of aid.

Whereas this intervention work to be performed on the basis of social contract concluded between the authorized person, a social worker, which instructs the Article. 11, paragraph 2 of the Act on social assistance, and the unjustified refusal to sign, or failure to comply with its provisions may constitute grounds for refusing to grant an allowance, set aside the decision to grant or withhold the provision of cash benefits social assistance. Formally

intervention works there today, but with a small amount, you can not talk about their impact on reducing the problem raised. Only a massive solution is here. It takes guts and determination to bring about real help for the poor and working alongside the development of the city.

In addition to just finish that will add to consult with people open to cooperation with me, the draft Programme for the Development of Sport and Recreation in Kedzierzyn - Kozle, one of whose aims is to improve the mood and solving social problems (Purpose in life and to prevent social exclusion) by an attractive and broad range of participation of interested residents Kedzierzy - Kozle compete in various disciplines and active recreation (Aqua Park). This is an important aspect, because if it is already poor, even though it may be nice. But

and poverty may disappear. I recall that it is ready for the draft Programme for Municipal Economic Kędzierzyn - Kozle, or new jobs and increased revenue for our city. Waiting the day, when I will (I hope) to start its implementation ...
Masalski - City Council Cllr Kedzierzyn - Kozle